Cloud Computing

About cloud services:

The computing world has changed considerably in the last few years where: Computing is a commodity – and an essential aspect of day to day living. The scale and performance of technology has increased exponentially, the accessibility to a wider market continues to expand making it a non-exclusive purchase, in line with the cost of computing reducing.

PCs and Laptops are ubiquitous in the home, even in increasingly in the faster growing developing markets such as India
• The power of computing has changed to allow any user to be a ‘power’ user.
• The functions around the use of a computer have increased, the user experience has become simpler.
• Has computer maintenance taken the place of home maintenance? (a study showed that 80% of respondents knew how to
   update a virus scanner but only 15% of them knew how to change a fuse on a plug)

All of this has led to great advantages and also six big problems…

» High risk of Data Loss
Computing is now used for everyday tasks be-it at home or office. There is a high risk of data loss due to different hardware or software related issues. Loss of data is catastrophic personally and professionally

» Software Conflicts
Multiple versions of software applications conflict with each other, which confuse the users and frequently render many of the documents/applications unusable.

» Security & Privacy
Since, the PC is being used widely by different groups of users, more attempts are made to attack PCs to gain access to confidential and personal information.

» Viruses & Spam
Viruses and Spam are now an ever-present annoyance for most internet users

» Out-of-date
Obsolescence is becoming a major headache … for both software and hardware. Old versions are frequently unsupported and/or cannot work in the context of modern software and machines.

» Availability
In the last few years the downtime of a PC has serious issues at home and work. An ever-increasing number of people want to have remote access to their PCs/Data.

Services Provided :

» Virtual storage:
A complete software component, which synchronizes all the dataa user has saved in the nivio cloud and his local PC. A user can easily load&synchoronisedata to and from his local PC from and to the nivio Cloud. nDrive can be installed on Windows or Mac OSX. It comes pre-installed with Watermelon - a niviodeveloped Linux based OS.

» Rented application
It allows a user to manage his account. A user can use it on the Cloud by logging on to Virtual Desktop. Below is a list of important applications available.

  Name & Categories   Price / Month
  aMSN   Free
  gTalk   Free
  Skype   Free
  Win Messenger   Free
  Yahoo Messenger   Free
  Opera   Free
  Firefox   Free
  Media Players   
  iTunes   Free
  Real Player   Free
  Winamp   Free
  Abiword   Free
  Insight Point   Free
  Magix Photo   Free
  Rapid Website   Free
  Sqirlz Morph   Free
  Twisted Brush   Free
  Vallen   Free
  Productivity Applications
  Adobe Reader   Free
  Art Rage   Free
  Foxit Reader   Free
  HyCAD   Free
  Mono Calendar   Free
  MozBackup   Free
  OpenOffice Base   Free
  OpenOfficeCalc   Free
  OpenOffice Draw   Free
  OpenOffice Impress   Free
  OpenOffice Math   Free
  OpenOffice Writer   Free
  Photo Mapper   Free
  Extracting Archive   Free
  Shrink Pick   Free
  Stickies   Free
  Total Organizer   Free
  World Web   Free
  Yahoo Widgets   Free

» Some of our paid Applications

  Name & Categories   Price / Month
  Microsoft Office Suite   Paid
  Microsoft Office Suite Professional   Paid
  Microsoft Visio   Paid
  Microsoft Project   Paid
  Expression design   Paid
  Publisher   Paid

Virtual Desktop :
nDesktop is the use of Remote Desktop to connect securely to the cloud server based on Windows XP environment and access it on a local machine. A user can access all his data and work on different applications that need Windows from a single place in the secured cloud server. nDesktop can be accessed from any machine be it a Windows based PC, Mac OSX, linux or even a mobile or a PDA.

Online share:
nLive is a personalized URL given to each user through which he can access his data on the go through any browser. nLive takes feeds from your friends via social networking sites like facebook and twitter. Through nLive a person is able to share his files. A user can also listen to the music, watch videos or browse through a photo album saved in his account.

How it works:

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